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January 11 changed my life forever, I took the Pfizer vaccine 40 minutes after my vaccine. I became sick with flu like symptoms and tingling down my legs. The next morning, I was unable to walk. My waist down was hurting so bad feel like pins coming out of my legs, the feeling of bugs crawling under my skin, fatigue, and weakness. I try to get a bed and fell to the floor, crawling to the bathroom, pulling myself up from the counter, using furniture to eat myself and walking. Three weeks later I was unable to get out of my chair, Doctor visits began, so Weeks went on. It got worse leading me into the hospital where I was put on IV I G infusions for a week A few weeks later, it was worse. Refer to an immunologist and a neurologist hours away. Where I have received MRIs, lumbar puncture, three Neuro, conduction, test, small nerve biopsy, and 18 months of IV. I G infusions where I go monthly for 6 to 10 hours to be infused. I am being treated for CIDP. I get tremors have tinnitus and recently heart palpitations I just celebrated two years of a nightmare. This is not where I thought I would be. I was an active person before the vaccine, ran 3 miles daily, worked out, martial arts , CrossFit even ran a few spartan races. I was on the top of my game now I am in a nightmare.

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